
International adventures are an amazing part of being a Scout with endless possibilities to meet Scouts in other countries, explore new cultures and plan exciting expeditions.

Our relationships with Scouts and other organisations throughout the world lead to better understanding of people and issues. The UK Scout Association is part of a worldwide movement – there are Scout Associations in 216 countries and territories, and we are all member of the World Organisation of Scout Movements (WOSM).

What better way to fulfil the aim of Scouting and the challenge set by our Founder to ‘leave the world a little better than you found it?’ Scouts can and do make a difference. Have a go!

Whether you’re planning a straightforward camping trip or want to get involved in development projects that can make a real difference, introducing an international angle into your balanced Programme is a perfect way to broaden a young person’s horizons.

If you are planning a visit abroad you can find all the information you need including relevant forms on
For more information about International in Greater Manchester West, please contact:
Jeff Picton (Assistant County Commissioner for International)

Upcoming International Trips

25th World Scout Jamboree 2023
Roverway 2024

Recent International Trips

Mad4Malawi 2018
Climb Morocco 2018
24th World Scout Jamboree 2019
Philmont 2019